This policy applies to all Taylor Blackwood Associates employees, and details the requirements that will enable Taylor Blackwood Associates to: Ensure that the employees do not report for duty while unfit through alcohol or any drug of abuse while on duty.
Taylor Blackwood Associates will take all reasonable steps to protect the health, safety and welfare of their employees and other persons, i.e. contractors and the general public, who may be affected by potential risks during our activities arising from impaired performance caused by alcohol and drugs.
No Taylor Blackwood Associates employee shall: a) Report, or endeavour to report, for duty having alcohol or drugs present in the body in a concentration which exceeds the prescribed limits. See below for alcohol levels. b) Consume alcohol or use drugs whilst on duty. c) Be in possession of alcohol or drugs in the workplace. d) Begin work having taken prescribed or off the shelf medication without having informed their Manger, unless confident from advice given by their doctor or chemist that the medication taken will not affect the safe performance of their duties.
If any employee who has agreed to abide by the conditions of this policy is found to be under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs of abuse whilst at work and therefore causes. Taylor Blackwood Associates Employees to be in breach of its legislation responsibilities, they will be subject to Taylor Blackwood Associates disciplinary procedures.
Arrangements for screening
To enable Taylor Blackwood Associates to meet is legislative requirements regarding the fitness to work of all our employees, the company will implement a programme of screening for drugs and alcohol: a) Following any safety critical incidents, or other accidents or incidents where there is reasonable ground to suspect that the effects of alcohol or drugs might have been a contributory factor. b) Where there is reason to believe that an employee is unfit for duty because of the effects of alcohol or drugs. For all drugs and alcohol screening Taylor Blackwood will only use an approved screening centre. Taylor Blackwood Associates employees will be expected to: a) Co-operate with the company management if they are instructed to stop work due to suspected drugs and/or alcohol abuse.
Prescribed and “off the shelf” medication
Employees, who have been prescribed medication or obtain off the shelf medications, must ask their doctor/chemist whether the medication is likely to affect their fitness for work in a safety related capacity. Employees must inform their Manager if they are taking or are about to take, any medications which they have reason to believe might affect the safe performance of their duties. The Manager must assess any risks to safety arising from the use of the medication and from the medical condition for which it was prescribed. If in doubt Taylor Blackwood Associates employees must not be allowed to carry out any duties which could reasonably be expected to be impaired due to the consumption of the particular medication.
Information to employees
All other staff that may be affected by this policy will be thoroughly briefed on the policy, the under lying principles and the means to ensuring compliance. Taylor Blackwood Associates Employee support. If any Taylor Blackwood Associates employee feels aggrieved by the manner in which they have been treated under the terms of this Alcohol and Drugs Policy, they should report the matter to their line manager as soon as possible after the incident.
Disciplinary Arrangements
Discipline arrangements will be in accordance with the Taylor Blackwood Associates Discipline Procedure. Taylor Blackwood Associates Ltd